The Wise
Start with the self-paced course, review your first chart via email, and fine-tune your practice with three 1-1 live calls!
Here are all the products that are included in your bundle.
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Learn how to use the signs and symptoms of your body to avoid pregnancy, with incredibly high efficacy! Natural Fem Tech is a sympto-thermal method of fertility awareness and is ready to empower you to understand your body of knowledge.
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A mini-course that gives you the tools and understanding to explain why hormonal contraceptives might not be the right fit for you, how to get support from your partner, and how to work with your medical provider when needed.
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This "course" is actually a way to send me your chart for a review! Have questions or comments about your charting practice? Here's the place to get those answered.
Want ongoing support for at least 3 months? This 3-consult package allows you to get consistent feedback over several charts. This is a great option for people to get ongoing support at a discounted cost!